Socrates once said, "To find yourself,
Think for yourself."
Think for yourself to find yourself,
To find the answers,
To wade through the uncertainties of life,
To dig through its hardships,
To find the strength within and deal.
Aristotle said, "Excellence is never an
accident. It is always the result of high
intention, sincere effort, and intelligent
it represents the wise choice of many
alternatives - choice, not chance,
determines your destiny."
What determines our destiny should not
be in the hands of unwise leaders hell
bent on power and glory at any cost;
Where intentions are selfish, efforts
insincere in its adherence to domination
and wisdom of choices eliminated to one
choice, the subjugated choice with no
alternatives for a better determined
When that one choice does not conflict
with wisdom, there are no fearful
consequences, but when that one choice
degrades into ignorance, into violence,
into crimes against humanity then there
are fearful and tragic consequences; and
the leader is no longer guided by
excellence, but by power and abuse of
power and the execution of actions
unreasonable, criminal and unintelligent.
Let us, for our destiny sake, strive for
excellence and choose leaders that are
and have a track record for excellence.