Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Look Back At History


What have you done?

Do you know?

Use the benefit of hindsight.

Look back at history.  

Do you know who first started this divide and conquer?

I do not have this information, yet.

At the start of this divide and conquer, was there an unlawful and unethical vote, to commit a crime against humanity?

If there was a premeditation to commit crimes against humanity and the conspirators voted to do so, then these Unholies knowingly conspired to do harm.

Subsequent votes to further divide and conquer through unlawful and abusive measures are not only criminal, but immoral.

Any violations of human rights and civil rights are unlawful and immoral; and constitute(s) crimes and crimes against humanity.

The continuous violations of ethics and law are continuous patterns of bad behaviors and bad practices.

How many violations and how many counts?

The continuous pain and suffering caused by the Unholies mount.  

Have you contributed to the deprivation of civil rights or the abuses and abuses of power?

What do you know about who started this mess and the abuses?

  It is a myth, a fallacy, and a grandiose delusion to think that by destroying the economy of the West, it will make oil-dependent countrie...