Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ultimate Hypocrisy


If a church does not advocate for salvation, ethical standards or good practices, and instead allow and condone sin and sinful practices then it is not a church, but Satan's graveyard and hunting ground.

If a government does not advocate for the Welfare of the people, protect and uphold certain unalienable Rights granted by their Creator that included among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness *(Happiness with the Lord, not delighting in selfish sins and abuses), and instead allow for abuses, abuse of power and crimes against humanity, then it is not a government for the people, of the people and by the people**, but a crime syndicate.

Do not fool yourselves in thinking otherwise, because actions speak louder than words.  

If said actions are unholy then it is unholy and its perpetrators are unholy; pretending it is otherwise are just delusions in ultimate hypocrisy.

*from Declaration of Independence 
**from Lincoln's Gettysburg's Address

  Even though some have forgotten, I remember what it was like when Trump was president. I remember what he did and said about veterans and ...